Story Time in Idalia Centre
National Story Time!
Story Time in Idalia Centre
National Story Time!
National Story Time!
Story Time in Idalia Centre

National Simultaneous Story Time


This Wednesday the 24th of May our Preschool Room at Pimlico is registered to take part in the National Simultaneous Storytime. The NSS, or National Simultaneous Storytime is an annul event that aims to encourage young Australians to read and enjoy books.


By sharing this event with our children and families we are hoping to

  • promote the value of reading and literacy;
  • promote the value and fun of books!


This year’s book is The Cow Tripped Over the Moon written by Tony Wilson and illustrated by Laura Wood. We will be reading this at 11 am on Wednesday along with many many other Australian children across Australia. This is a story that showcases the important quality of perseverance and this will be our main talking point after we share the story together. We are looking forward to sharing this book together!

– Miss Ali & Jade